Mezquita of Cordoba

It is convenient to step on Spanish rapid railroad AVE to cordoba from Madrid.
The eyeball of this town is Mezquita.
At the artistic point of view, it may be said that it is world eminent building.
Innumerable arches and pillars rising in dusky proof direct fantastic air.
It is a tourist attraction wanting a young person to drop in by all means.
You can take a walk through a clean place such as a narrow path of a flower around Mezquita.
Sight-seeing the Mezquita of Cordoba »

Important buildings of Mezquita, Cordoba


  • Mezquita
  • Walls and towers of the Muslim and Christian period
  • Ghetto
  • Synagogue

Civil and military architecture

  • Alca'zar of the Christian Kings (14th century)
  • Fernandine- and Alphonsine-style churches (13th century)
  • The Roman Bridge
  • The Door of the Bridge