La Fachada de Comares

Palace name Building name Comment
La Fachada de Comares, Politics and diplomatic room Patio de los Arrayanes It is thought that a diplomatic grand reception was held here in a center of diplomacy and politics. It was made by a hand of Yusuf I in the Nasrid dynasty height of prosperity. The pond of the middle becomes the glassy surface of water to project a topless tower and building on.
Sala de la Barca The north of the courtyard, a small room of back of the middle corridor, goes to the room of the Salon de Embajadores
Salon de Embajadores Center of Alhambra palace. Occupying inside La Fachada de Comares, used as the receiving room. Internal decoration is beautiful. Islamic last king surrendered Granada to the king of Catholic here.
Comares bathhouse A palace is a noble town of 1,500 - 2,000 population. Therefore it is said that there were approximately 10 places bathhouses in the palace. It is thought that Comares bathhouse was used to build the relations that are a friendship with a person of each state politics, a diplomat.